Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Day 1 100 days of happiness

I’ve decided to write a new blog called one hundred days of grumpiness to counteract all of those 100 days of happiness memes on Facebook. I truly believe that the 100 days of happiness actually make people more miserable, Why? Well when the only happy thing in someone’s life is putting on a different pair of shoes then they need to take a long hard look at themselves and maybe make a few changes in their lives. 100 days of happiness is not about the person doing it, it’s about everyone else because no one wants to read about your misfortune on Facebook, everyone wants social media to be a cloud cuckoo land type place where everyone is happy and jolly and there are no problems. (Yes I have just watched the lego movie.) So if you are doing 100 days of happy remember it’s not about you, it’s about me. Make me smile, lie if you have to, make it up. In the meantime I will spend 100 days ranting and raving about the little things in life, and I bet it makes me a happier person. Why? Cos I am getting it out, not bottling it up. It’s good to talk and ranting can be cathartic. Also I bet it will make you happier too, why? Because of the schadenfreude of enjoying my misfortune, also it is good to know that you are not alone. So enjoy my 100 days, they may not be consecutive, they may not all be witty but I shall try and I promise there will be no pictures of mine or other people’s legs. 

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