Saturday, 11 October 2014

Day 75 the hangover.

Sometimes you can judge your hangover in monetary terms. Not the cost of the booze that  caused it. No, that is water under the bridge and anyway who knows if the meteoroid crashing into the earth sized hole in your wallet was because you drank that much or because for some reason that was lost in an alcoholic haze you decided to buy the whole bar a drink. 
No,  I am talking about the cost of curing the monkey on your back. The cost of the cola, the bacon sandwiches, the chips, the alka seltzer and chips and cola and bacon sandwiches you need to start to feel human again. Needless to say my grumpiness is caused today  by my excesses last night. 

1 comment:

  1. oh................ but I somehow do not pity you at all :-)
