I’ve certainly mentioned before that this 100 days of grumpiness
blog is actually making me happy. The cathartic effect of ranting about the
little things means that I can cope with the bigger things. Therefore the last
two months have seen a complete change in my persona. I am actually smiling! People are commenting on it. Look at Davies they say, he’s actually smiling. He
must be in love they say or at least getting some. They don’t realise that the
reason for this smile is this blog.
The problem is all this smiling is beginning to have a strange affect on me, it’s beginning to make me grumpy.
For a start my face has begun to ache as I am using muscles I’ve not used in
years, smiley happy people must have strong faces. Secondly I have noticed that the crows feet around my eyes are getting
more pronounced, proof that actually smiling makes you look older not younger. Finally
suddenly people are not taking me seriously anymore. I’ve been professionally
grumpy for nearly 20 years. People knew what they were getting with me. I was
safe, reliable, trustworthy. But now I’ve become a grinning loon I’m treated
like a shark, a charlatan, a cuckoo. So after today just 21 more days and then
I can go back to my former grumpy self.
Good you're smiling :-)
ReplyDeleteKeep writing then :-) Smile suits you