Monday, 20 October 2014

Day 84 - Strawberries

As some of you know I have been advised to lower my cholesterol and lose a bit of weight, which has been going pretty well if I am honest. One thing the docs advise is to eat more fruits and veg. This is never easy for me as I am not a huge fan of vegetables. I am like a three year old when it comes to food, carrots, parsnips, cauliflower and cabbage are evil things sent to punish us while turkey twizzlers and chicken nuggets are manna from heaven. It;s not easy having the palette of a child but sometimes it’s fun.  Obviously getting my 5 a day is easier in the summer when the shops are full of blueberries and strawberries that are plump and ripe and full of goodness. But at this time of year the berries have been replaced with rotting apples and pears and ill looking plums and so getting my 5 a day becomes a lot more challenging. So imagine my glee when I spotted strawberries in Tesco yesterday. And what’s more they looked good.
But looks can be deceiving. The strawberries were bright pink in colour, not quite ripe, yet somehow they were already rotting, already squishy, already growing mould. 50 crowns they charged me for the privilege of buying but not eating a punnet of genetically modified fruit with the shelf life of a fruit fly. 

1 comment:

  1. strawberryfields20 October 2014 at 14:36

    rotten strawberries and life of a fruit fly sound like a good subject for a poem
