Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Day 78 Ironing again

I think I’ve mentioned before that I hate ironing. It’s such a thankless task - you iron, you wear and then, lo and behold, you have to iron again. It’s a self-fulfilling thing. The other problem with ironing is that for some reason I never seem to remember unplugging the iron. Today, half way through my session the fear hit. Had I left the iron on? Sweat started dripping down my back. My words came out scrambled, panicked.  My mind was elsewhere - frantically trying to remember pulling the plug.

But that’s not the real reason I’m grumpy. Today I was ironing my pink candy crush shirt. (It doesn’t have candy crush written on it, it looks like one of the candies from that game.)  I was doing it nicely - exactly how my wise old mum had shown me all those years ago when she was a wise young mum. Collar, then sleeves, then half of front,the back and finally second half of front. So guess where I found the stain that made the shirt unwearable? Yep, on the second half of the front, the very last part left to iron. 85% (roughly) of the shirt ironed only to find the whole job had been about as useful as  KLM ground staff at Prague airport. Needless to say I cursed like a tramp who’s been asked for change.

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