So today I turn 44, which is a nightmare age for me.i am not a big worrier about age - 30 passed
without fanfare, I was not too perturbed to be moving out of my twenties, after
all I was healthy and happy and doing fine. Then people said ooh forty getting
old, it's all down hill from here, but again I survived. Despite the fact I was
in a weird place in my life, I managed to enter my 40s healthy and wise,
(wealthy has never been my thing). So why is 44 such a problem for me? Well it
is mainly because I live in the Czech Republic. That means sometimes I have to
answer questions in Czech and they are often personal info questions, like
name, age etc. the word for 44 in Czech is čtyřicet čtyři. Now if that looks
like a nightmare to say it is because it is. Any word with a ř is a tongue
twister for me, an insurmountable tongue twister that my poor mouth can't get
around. Trying to say it can lead to jaw dislocation as I try to contort my mouth
around the alien sounds. That or suffocation as I swallow my tongue trying to
roll my rs. So please Czechs don't ask me my age for at least another year.