Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Day 31 Two Moons

I wouldn’t like to say I am a conspiracy theorist - I think that is a bit extreme but I do take a lot of convincing that something is true. I like to see evidence and even then I tend to take things with a pinch of salt. I guess I am not one of life’s accepters. I’m not a believer, there’s a trace of doubt in my mind, I suppose I’m a doubter. 
I’m forever warning others that internet memes like world book day, tell me the colour of your bra day, throw a bucket of water on your head day are hoaxes. Thinking about it, this whole blog started because I doubter 100 days of happiness would really make you happy.
So imagine my chagrin when I got caught out by a hoax.
I spent last night gazing at the night sky, (the real one and my app), madly looking for Mars, which was supposed to appear as a second moon-like disc in the sky.  All day I had been telling people about this amazing astronomical phenomenon, not just anyone either but important people like the OUP author we have here at the moment. But there was nothing. It was a cloudless sky but there weren’t two moons. So this morning I look online to discover the root of my disappointment and I see
The "Mars Close to Earth" hoax strikes again!

God! I’d fallen for it. Not checked my facts, not done the research just been taken in. How will I ever be able to face myself in the mirror again?

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