This grumpy day is sponsored by Extraordinary Rendition, the new novel from Gareth Davies.
Now as some of you know I have been trying to lose a bit of weight in the last few weeks. Nothing serious but after the 17th time of someone asking me ‘When’s it due?’ (some sarcastically but one or two seriously.) I decided that it might be nice to lose my phantom baby bump and be able to see my feet again. (Yes, you are right feet wasn’t the original word in there before the edit.)
So I’ve been doing some exercise and eating less and trying to look after myself. (Don’t worry I am not trying to look like a M and S Mannequin, I like bacon and beer too much for that.)
So anyway it is working, I think I have lost something like 6 kilos (1 stone). I’d like to lose 2 or 3 kilos more just for good measure. (Pun intended)
So all is going well, why am I grumpy?
Well on Tuesday an old woman in her 70s asked me if I wouldn’t mind helping her across the road. So I took her by the arm and escorted her safely to the other side. (I genuinely thought this only happened in kids tv shows but I was wrong.) Then today an old woman asked me to help her navigate some tricky steps, (they are re-laying the pavement near my house and it is treacherous for pedestrians.) Again I smiled and held her arm as she carefully got herself to safer ground.
Again good Samaritan so why the long face?
Well, I hoped losing some weight would make me more noticeable to women but I didn’t realise the women who would now notice me would be over 75.
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Ha ha :-)