Friday, 22 August 2014

Day25 - Wet Rooms

I have been doing this job for about 8 years now, travelling around the Czech Republic first, then Europe, then a bit further a field. I have no idea how many hotels I’ve stayed in, how many beds I’ve slept in and how many different showers I’ve used in that time.
I’ve stayed in state of the art hotels with double shower heads that you need a PhD in Physics to work out how to use. (Mind you one of the shower heads looks uncannily like a 1980’s microphone that always leads to me singing Tainted Love in the shower.) I’ve stayed in old communist hotels that are certainly not state of the art unless the art is pre-Raphaelite but at least those showers are fairly straightforward if not particularly pleasant. (the colour of water coming out of one in Ukraine made me think I was showering in Guinness).
But I think the shower in this hotel in Parnu really takes the biscuit.
Now I am not one to complain, but whoever decided that a wet room was a good idea needs to be locked away in a padded cell for many years to come. I’ve never seen a successful wet room unless you define success by the whole place being soaked and unusable for hours after.
If I was going to design a wet room, my first priority would be a robust curtain that reaches all the way to the floor to give as much protection to the other bathroom essentials as possible. But this shower curtain hangs there ¾ length like a pathetic blue piece of limp lettuce - powerless to stop the floodwaters.
The other thing I would do is make the room big enough to absorb the waters, but this bathroom is so small the toilet is half in the shower.
Now the floodwaters are not so bad in themselves if you don’t need to use the room for another three hours while they dry, but of course life doesn’t work like that. So I’ll standing in a puddle while I shave, get trench foot while I clean my teeth and forget the floor is wet and pop in to wash my hands just before I put my shoes on - rendering my socks waterlogged and unusable.

So please hotels, no more wet rooms. J

1 comment:

  1. haha.. :-) Do you also move like the Soft Cell singer while singing Tainted Love?:-)
