Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Day 43 - Top Ten Books

There’s a new trend on Facebook to name 10 books that have had a profound affect on you and then nominate other people to do the same. So lot’s of people’s status updates over the last few days have been lists of books. The books on them range from the highbrow to the low brow, from Anna Karenina to the Top Gear annual. It’s interesting to see what floats people’s boats, and it makes you wonder if they tell little white lies just to make themselves look slightly more sophisticated than they are. (Yes I am looking at you.) 
I’ve never been nominated, which is not what is making me grumpy. In fact I am quite relieved that I haven’t. I would have to spend hours googling books I haven’t read to get a decent list to match my level of sophistication, or I’d have to be honest and just name 5 Mario Puzo books, the free Sample of 50 Shades, The Dice Man and a Welsh fairy tale book. Oh not forgetting the Mills and Boon book I once picked up in a doctor’s surgery. I’ll never forget what she did with that riding whip on page 51. 
 No, what has dampened my spirits today is that Maggie’s Milkman is not on anyone’s list. Nobody, not a soul, has listed my best selling novel* on their books that have stayed with them. Excitedly I look at people’s lists and then crestfallen I turn away in rejection. I can only imagine this is some kind of oversight and soon it will be put right. And tomorrow’s another day and no doubt there will be another list and another chance and one day, well you never know. :-) 

*It out sells all my other novels you see.


  1. :-) I nominate everyone for everything :-) madness. you made me laugh as usual:-)
