Thursday, 18 September 2014

Day52 - The Alarm Call

Dear unknown hotel guest, 
I hope you enjoyed your night in the Qubus hotel in Krakow. I am sure you'll agree it was a very comfortable hotel and the room was basic but nice. I wonder if you were staying on business or pleasure. I guess business, as it was quite an expensive hotel, but I hope you got a chance to enjoy at least a flavour of the city. I’d like to think the person who had the room before me enjoy his / her stay. 
Anyway I am writing to you to thank you kindly setting the alarm for 6.26 am, being woken up at that time was a joy to behold and it meant I could see dawn break over the city.
I would like to think that you were getting up yourself at this time when you stayed here and simply forgot to turn off the alarm or you didn’'t know how to turn it off. I would like to think this because I would prefer to think you are stupid rather than mean. The other option is that you thought this would be funny, a clever little joke, one you could snigger at while sitting on a train or in a boring meeting, despite the fact you would never know who the victim of your prank would be or indeed of there would be a victim. Surely you can't be that mean spirited.
So anyway I hope you have a nice day and be rest assured that my day was longer than I'd expected thanks to you. 
Have a nice life 