Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Day 64 - Nespresso

I’ve got one of those Nespresso coffee machine. Don’t judge me I got it because I thought it would make me look like George Clooney but to date not one woman has chased me in or out of the shop when I’ve been buying the capsules. 
Anyway about 3 weeks ago the bloody thing stopped working.  I cleaned it a bit too roughly and it looked like I had pressed the buttons too hard and it had become jammed. It meant that once the water started flowing, it didn’t stop (that made for a very weak cup of coffee). Judging by the amount of times George has to buy a new machine, I guessed this was a common problem and resigned myself having to replace the broken device. But a friend of mine pointed out that on their website you can contact George directly to ask for advice. I thought it was a lost cause but I sent a polite email off explaining the problem and forgot all about it.
To my amazement less than two hours after sending the email one of George’s cronies, gave me a call. He managed to explain the problem and the solution and now my Nespresso machine is as good as new. You’d think this would make me happy wouldn’t you? But I am not that easily satisfied. No, this has made me grumpy for 4 reasons.
1. George didn’t reply himself, now I know he is on honeymoon so has other things on his mind but …
2. How dare their customer service be so good, do they not know I have a grumpy blog to keep? It’s almost as if they are wilfully trying to sabotage it.
3. How stupid was I thinking that the machine running its descaling function was actually a broken machine?

4. If the solution was that simple, why had I left it 3 weeks before I sorted it out?

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  1. and there is a reason for many women to be grumpy this days: world's most famous bachelor, Mr Clooney, broke a vow to remain single and got married! What a shame! I am going to cry all night :-)

  2. This one would make a wonderful archive story in a coffee week. Let the poeple from outside the Czech Republic have some, fun too:-)

  3. Thank you for considering my suggestion:-) that's very kind of you :-) This is a hilarious piece. I just love it

    1. My archive stories are not selected from the grumpy blog but thank you for the suggested and reminder and compliment.
