Monday, 29 September 2014

Day 63 - JK

Dear Twitter user XXXX, (Name withheld for legal reasons),
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my tweet, I realise that when I hit send on my tweet it goes off into the ether, potentially never to be seen again. So the fact that someone notices it and replies is a miracle in itself. You obviously found the intended humour in the tweet funny which was also pleases me greatly.
But can I maybe give you some advice? The F in WTF means F*ck. I find that swearing at strangers can be construed as being a little rude, bordering on aggressive. Your message was also full of upper case typing. I am told that using capitals can be considered as shouting, again a little rude bordering on aggressive. Therefore the humour in your reply was lost behind the façade of a little, shouty person. You finish your tweet with the term JK. Now at 43  I am not that down with the kids. I find it hard to know the difference between the aiadws and the bitds and the wmtgtfys.  Therefore I didn’t know that JK meant just kidding. To start with I thought you were referring to the lead singer of Jamiroquai. This meant your tweet just came across as aggressive and odd.
Also here’s the thing, you can’t be racist and call it banter, you can’t be sexist and call it playful and you can’t be aggressive and then qualify it with just kidding. It just doesn’t work, I’ve learnt this the hard way (the aggressive bit). People see your first action as your true action and the excuse as just that, an excuse. Try waving a gun around at an airport and then saying JK, I am not sure many people will find it funny.
So, my new found twitter friend, I hope this advice will come in useful so you will get many more followers who will see your humour and not your hostility.



  1. my reply to this gentleman would be much shorter: "You are probably ugly, you probably have no life and you most probably have a small dick and need to compensate" :-) BTW do you take commissions? I need somebody to write a professional but powerful reply to my local tax office :-) :-)

    1. from your response here looks like you can do it very well yourself but if you have a tax letter need writing I’m your man :-)

    2. I can't write they have small dicks (and that's my favourite phrase) as there are mainly women working there:-)

  2. made me laugh :-) :-)
